How much does it cost to attend Newark Educators Community Charter School?
Newark Educators Community Charter School is a tuition-free public charter school.
Do you have to be a Newark resident to attend Newark Educators Community Charter School?
Priority seating is given to Newark residents and siblings of current students. We also offer seats to out-of-district students in the surrounding areas of East Orange, Irvington, and Orange when priority seating has first been met and upon availability. Pre-K seats are only available to Newark residents.
Do you have a waiting list?
We maintain an ongoing waiting list. Families may add their children to the waiting list. As seats become available, families will be contacted in the order they appear on the waiting list.
Are siblings given priority seating?
Priority seating is given to siblings of currently enrolled students and must be specified on your Newark Enrolls application.
Do you still have open seats for the 2023-2024 school year?
Yes. We currently have open seats in grades PreK to 4th. Visit to apply, and your child will automatically be added to our waiting list.
How do I apply for the 2024-2025 school year?
Visit and apply by February 3, 2024 deadline. Families applying for the first time will need to request a schoolmint account. Please be sure to rank Newark Educators Community Charter School as your #1 choice.
For additional information, contact us at 973-732-3848.
What if I am new to the district and I missed the open enrollment window? How do I enroll for SY2023/24?
The enrollment portal will re-open for new families to Newark and those who did not apply in the open enrollment window on April 19, 2023. When you apply, your child will be automatically placed on the waitlist for the school.