

Social Studies

At Newark Educators’ Community Charter School Social Studies content is taught through three intensive project-based Integrated Studies Units (incorporating English Language Arts, Career Development and Occupational Studies, and Arts standards with Social Studies standards) throughout the year. Students begin with concepts that are close to self such as home and family. They use what they have learned about their own cultures, neighborhoods, and belief systems to learn to look outward to faraway places and people in history.


English Language Arts (ELA)

Balanced Literacy

Newark Educators’ Community Charter School uses a Balanced Literacy approach proven to be successful in school districts around the country. Through the Balanced Literacy program students are instructed in reading and writing in multiple contexts each day; through Guided Reading, independent reading, learning to write a variety of genres through the writing process, including one-on-one conferences, during Writer’s Workshop, learning to think deeply by teachers skillfully engaging their students in daily Read Alouds, spelling through Word Study / Word Works, sharing the pen during Morning Message in the lower grades.


Eureka Math

Newark Educators’ Community Charter School uses Eureka Math, a knowledge building curriculum in grades 1st. through 4th.  Eureka Math connects math to the real world in ways that take the fear out of math and builds students’ confidence-helping students achieve true understanding lesson by lesson and year after year. This math series is also aligned to the NJSLS, and will prepare our students in speaking about Math, thinking about Math critically, and thereby developing higher order thinking skills.  Pre. Kdg and Kindergarten staff utilizes Tools of the Mind to implementing the core subjects.



Newark Educators’ Community Charter School uses the FOSS science curriculum, which is aligned with NJSLS. This approach guides teachers in teaching children important scientific concepts while developing the habits of mind or skills of real scientists, including meaningful observation and exploration, testing hypotheses, and analyzing new information, while learning about the natural world.

Tools of The Mind (Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Curriculum)

Transforming Early Childhood teaching and learning for almost a quarter of a century, Tools of the Mind is rooted in Vygotskian theory and informed by cutting- edge neuroscience.

Tools of the Mind- comes from Vygotsky, who believed that just as physical tools extend our physical abilities, mental tools extend our mental abilities, enabling us to solve problems and create solutions in a modern world.

When applied to children, this means that to successfully function in school and beyond, children need to learn more than a set of facts and skills. They need to master a set of mental tools- Tools of the Mind.

Tools is a research-based early childhood model combining teacher professional development with a comprehensive innovative curriculum that helps young children to develop the cognitive, social-emotional, self-regulatory, and foundational academic skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Tools instructional interactions are designed to help teachers be more effective in identifying teachable moments, assessing children’s development and differentiating instruction. Teachers focus on helping children become intentional and reflective learners, creating a classroom in which instruction in literacy, mathematics and science reflect children’s learning capacity, rather than age-level expectations.

Gifted and Talented 

Students will be identified as Gifted and Talented if they meet the following criteria.

Grades 3-4

NJSLA: Level 5, iReady Diagnostic: One grade level above. If students fail to meet the criteria listed, teacher and parent referrals can be utilized to assess for Gifted and Talented identification. If a teacher or parent referral is made, the teacher, parent, and Gifted and Talented coordinator will meet to assess current student performance to determine eligibility. In this instance, an interview with the student and class rank will be used in the determination process.

Grades K-2 

iReady Diagnostic: One grade level above, local assessments. If students fail to meet the criteria listed, teacher and parent referrals can be utilized to assess for Gifted and Talented identification. If a teacher or parent referral is made, the teacher, parent, and Gifted and Talented coordinator will meet to assess current student performance to determine eligibility. In this instance, an interview with the student and class rank will be used in the determination process.

Parents may appeal decisions of the Gifted and Talented coordinator to the Board of Trustees. A letter should be sent to the Board of Trustees requesting a determination reexamination 7 days prior to the scheduled Board Meeting. If the letter is received within 7 days of the next meeting, the request will be considered at the next scheduled Board Meeting.

An individual who believes that a school district has not complied with the provisions of this act may file a complaint with the board of trustees. The right to file a complaint shall be set forth in the board’s policy on gifted and talented education. The policy shall be linked to the homepage of the board’s Internet website. The board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter.
The individual may then file a petition of appeal of the board’s written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.

NECCS offers advanced opportunities for assignments through the use of iReady in ELA and Math. Additionally, within the classroom, teachers provide differentiated activities for students in order to meet their needs. These scholars may have access to independent projects that support our DREAMS Motto. DREAMS stands for Determination, Respect, Excellence, Achievement, Motivation, and Service. One recent example has been the creation of a DREAMS song, poem, or dance.

Students are assessed for the Gifted and Talented program based on NJSLA Assessment, iReady Assessments, and teacher or parent referral. iReady Assessments are given 3 times per year. Teachers may use flexible grouping throughout the year to ensure students receive enrichment opportunities as needed.

State Assessment

Newark Educators’ Community Charter School administers NJSLA assessments to all students in grades 3 and 4. The NJSLA assessments are aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLA) and were created to measure students’ ability to apply their knowledge of concepts rather than memorizing facts. The NJSLA assessments require students to solve problems using mathematical reasoning and to be able to model mathematical principles. In English Language Arts (ELA), students will be required to closely read multiple passages and to write essay responses in literary analysis, research tasks and narrative tasks.

The assessments will also provide teachers information on student progress to inform instruction and provide targeted student support.